Tenets To Be Observed – 3rd Stone


Venture Forth, Never Unarmed

Only a coward waits to be taken like a lamb from the fold or a fox from a trap.

~Laxdaela Saga, c.40

To paraphrase a verse from the Hávamál, verse 38: “One should not go more than a foot from their weapons. You never know when you will have need of a spear.”

This tenant is an expansion of a few specific virtues: Honor, Courage, and Discipline. The sense of Honor to do what is needed and right, Courage to face the danger that may come, and the Discipline to stay sharp, practiced, and prepared. After all, one requires the means to defend their family and those within their circles. You may wish to object, but like someone who refuses to keep fire-stopping equipment on hand in the kitchen, it shows a complete lack of common sense to refuse to arm yourself. 

The world awaits. This world is full of many fantastic rewards and wonders for those who choose to seek them. The world can also be a dangerous place for both the prepared and unprepared alike. Staying in your house does not remove this danger. Criminal elements and those with ill-intention have shown time and time again that no law, no preventive measure, is foolproof enough to eliminate them and their ilk. 

Even removing all weaponry from a populace requires one group (whoever enforces this confiscation) to remain armed. If one group (a government banning any kind of “weapon”) decides to maintain power over another by superior force or weaponry, it doesn’t take a genius to see the inherent potential for corruption and tyranny.

For these reasons, for the maintenance of your own dignity, and for countless other reasons I would never advise the surrendering of your weapons or means of defense. You aren’t only abandoning the defense of yourself when you give in to these demands, you are abandoning the defense of your people. Think of your closest loved ones. Think of your child, or your mother, or your aunt, or your best friend, or your spouse, and imagine how you might feel if they were in direct danger by an aggressive outside threat. Imagine this scenario where if you were to have the proper item at hand, you could prevent their injury or demise.

Factories have safety procedures in place. These didn’t spring from the ground. Many people had to have an accidental amputation before these policies were put into place. How many countless people had to die before guardrails were installed on curvy mountain roads? The same concept applies here. The difference between an attack and those analogies is that the danger is even more direct. A cliff-face doesn’t attempt to suck your vehicle over the edge. The factory machine doesn’t beckon for a man to reach inside the obviously dangerous mechanism. No, the difference is that a fellow human with a complex reasoning system (which evolved incredibly similar to yours) would like to do you or your family harm. This is a creature, a being, an entity that wishes to do terrible things. Enacting a law or instituting a regulation will do nothing to prevent this force from attempting to carry out their chosen action.

You may have forgotten the lessons we should have learned from our ancestors. This absent-mindedness is easy to bring about with the genius of selectively edited textbooks and fear-mongering TV programs. These ancestors I speak of are the reason you are here today. Each one of these branches on your family’s tree had to survive long enough to reproduce at least once. Early on in human history, we mastered that piece of the puzzle (for the most part), but we still wanted to live long enough to raise said children and leave a social legacy for our community (rather than just a biological one). 

I am willing to bet that the majority of your lineage would have not only owned a means of self-defense but that depending on the time and place, these ancestors likely rallied together with other members of their community/tribe/state to repel invaders and keep their way of life intact. It would have been unthinkable for a leader of a small community to demand that ALL weapons be surrendered because these people were also the defensive strategy. 

Collectively, the more armed individuals within an area, the safer the area will become. There was a recent shooting in the news, at a Christian church, which is an amazing example. A gunman stood up to reveal his weapon and start shooting. At least three members of the congregation pulled their firearms. The shooter only got a few shots off and was taken out within a few seconds. One of the defensive heroes in this instance was shot. That man’s actions not only took the shooter’s attention off the rest of the innocent but gave the man behind him time to draw and fire.

There are countless examples of the above scenario. For firearms, the analogy to seatbelts or fire extinguishers is quite appropriate; These are safety items and tools that aren’t often needed but make a gigantic impact when required. It was common and expected to carry a weapon on you in the past. In Norse society, this most commonly was an axe, dagger, or sword. Some kind of blade, spear, or bow was carried in most communities or tribes throughout the ages. In the modern world, we have firearms. Not as honorable in my eyes as melee combat but I wouldn’t prefer an axe in a shootout.

At a minimum, a blade should always be at hand. A firearm is preferred as your primary weapon whenever this is possible. You shall endeavor to be trained in your weapons of choice. Your blade shall be an instrument of ritual, however, it will be utilized for function as well. It is cumbersome and less than useful to only have a blade for the defense of yourself or others; it can be utilized for daily tasks if a secondary blade can not be easily carried or obtained.

For ritual and defense, the Ehrenstahl (eh-ren-shtall) is the blade of the VéRúnian Order. This word means “Honor Steel”. A similar word in Old Norse might be constructed as ærahönd (hand of honor) although, given the many debates and complications of Old Norse linguistics, the modern German communicates our sacred intent perfectly well.

Any blade can be utilized although care must be taken in the choosing. A fixed blade of reliable quality, appearance, and durability is required. Pocket folders or combo tool knives are not worthy of the name or sacred task. Choose a suitable blade. Ritualize the naming and declaration of your knife’s purpose.

This blade is for the defense of yourself and others in your care. The blade must be kept sharp, clean, and always near. Taking care of your blade and being trained in the use of such a tool requires dedication. Although a firearm or other primary weapon should be carried when appropriate, your chosen Ehrenstahl should be a standard. 

One can understand the limitations of modern city living of course. In areas where this may be disallowed, you take the same risk of being unarmed… if you take this risk you must be fully aware of the situation you are put in and the burden you then have. “Because it’s not allowed” doesn’t make for a very good excuse to answer being killed or having your family in harm’s way. It makes one greatly evaluate the places that you enter for entertainment or “need”. Gun and knife free zones are the primary targets for killing sprees exactly because no one is armed. Will you put your life in the hands of the underpaid off-duty policeman or security guard?

The answer to that is for you to answer on your own. Remember the wisdom you’ve been given and the common sense that you possess. Remain aware of your surroundings. Apart from this, being well versed in hand-to-hand as well as thinking creatively about the environment (scissors, chair leg, brick wall for quick cover etc.) can make you more prepared than the next person in the room. 

Modern society’s limitations and dangers bring up once again the valuable philosophy of smaller governments, smaller communities, and less regulation except for core principles. A well-armed populace is important. Why does your master want you declawed and defenseless, to begin with?

Eat to Exist, Fast To Endure

The benefits of regular fasting have long been studied and researched but are still not fully understood or agreed upon by all circles of thought. It is said to increase lifespan, cure ailments and it certainly will reduce your weight. I encourage everyone to do their own research and reach out to other members of The Order with any questions. One thing that is for certain is that fasting takes strength of will. It takes practice and repetition before it becomes effortless, but this level of ease does come.

Why would one fast?

Fasting teaches discipline and reminds us of the importance of sacrifice. Fasting is a ritual in its own right. As a symbol of the sacrifices that we all make and those that have been made before us, a member of The Order will fast for a twenty-four-hour period weekly (or longer if they choose to do so). This is not only a symbolic act but one of health and self-improvement. Fasting has been shown to potentially increase life-span in animals as well as trigger the body to destroy cancerous/unneeded cells.

Those who are incredibly lean (incredibly low body fat) may prefer to alter the schedule to bi-weekly or perform a strict Intermittent Fast for multiple days throughout the week. The day can be changed but the normally observed day is Týrsday (Tuesday). Inscribing the Tiwaz Rune visibly for strength, we power through the day focusing on willpower, discipline, and conquering of those things over which we have power.

For the average person, the thought of going three hours without food is a frightening proposition. You’ll often hear others say that they are “starving” when their last meal was less than six hours prior. In practicing the ancient art of fasting, you will gain the ability to maintain your body for days at a time without food.

To begin with, your body stores the extra energy it needs in the form of fat. Unless you are extremely low body fat, your body will not be eating muscle or anything else of importance during your fast. Those who are extremely lean are still able to easily traverse a twenty-four-hour fast with no adverse effects.

In the beginning, you will struggle to reach a full twenty-four-hour period and this is perfectly fine. It is common to start with a simple eating window.

How Do I Begin To Learn This Skill?

For the ultimate beginner, I recommend skipping breakfast for a week in a row at least. This is a great start because it starts to loosen the hold that food has over you subconsciously and physiologically. The hormones that control hunger are largely based on schedule, you are hungry when you normally would be eating.

Once you skip breakfast for a few weeks in a row you will be ready to move into IF, or, Intermittent Fasting. Intermittent Fasting can be done in a million different ways. A popular routine is to wake up, skip breakfast, and not have your first meal until around 1 pm. If you limit your eating window from 1 pm to 5 pm, you have four hours to get your daily caloric intake which is more than enough time.

Many prefer to practice intermittent fasting as their daily ritual no matter the day. It is incredibly easy to do and your body will adjust quickly to it. Even eating your daily minimum requirements you will find that weight quickly falls off whilst practicing IF.

It is this Author’s preference to stay in-between. This is to say, skipping breakfast as a norm and observing the fast on Týrsday once a week (a twenty-four-hour period). Oftentimes I will stretch the fast another twenty-four to forty-eight hours. This is incredibly easy to do depending on your level of body fat. At the time of this writing, I am working through the 2nd Stone. The progress regarding the Degree of Physical Fitness is much quicker and more rewarding when IF is and Fasting is included in the process.

Honor the fast.

Respect Must Be Earned, Unlimited Chances Invalidate Virtue

Infinite Chances Invalidates Virtue. This statement warrants a large amount of meditation and thought. You may have heard the saying: “if everyone is special, no one is”. This is certainly true. Words start to lose their meanings and codes of honor fall apart when the opposite end of the spectrum is not upheld.

When a man has ripped you off multiple times in the last year, the first question is obviously why you allowed that to begin with. To that extent, the next question that follows has to be a consideration of your next step. What will you do in response?

You certainly can’t do business with such a character. This person must be banished from your life, similar to the banishment of the old ways. In modern society, you won’t be protected in the act of physical revenge, at least not legally. You should however be able to set your own boundaries and limits as to what you will tolerate. This can assist in preventing and quickly stopping such actions in the future.

Some programs refer to your Actions and attitudes – “AA”. This is all you can control realistically, everything else is outside your circle of direct control. You can’t control a con-man, but you can make sure that no business is conducted between him and yourself and you can warn your general circles of influence.

Make your boundaries clear if you feel generous enough to do so. When it comes to basic codes of Honor and Virtue, however, you should not need to take responsibility for the lack of raising present in other human families. Other people may not be aware of these common-sense virtues but this is not your problem.

The way we build a better world is to refuse to tolerate these inappropriate actions. We teach our children to be wary and to trust those who display better values. Teach your children and tribe to reject those who break their vows and oaths.

We all know respect can be earned and we all know that respect can be lost. We’ve all lost respect for another person at some point in our life. If you refuse to acknowledge losing respect for another, then you have really lost respect for yourself instead.

Understand The Honorable Death, Be Willing To Sacrifice

Like Týr offering his hand to the beast, sometimes our sacrifices can be chosen willingly. Sometimes we are able to make that choice.

Whenever possible, when observing and orienting yourself in the world, keep an eye out for these changes. Look for the preemptive sacrificial actions that can be taken. Sacrifices can mean many different things to many different groups. Sacrifice simply means giving something because you believe that in so doing, somewhere along the chain you will see better for your family, self, or tribe.

Sacrifice can be as simple as giving your time. We all give our time for wages or rewards when we work. More joyously and willingly we give our time for grandchildren and children so that they may grow and learn and play. We do this as an investment for the next generation because our whole lives culminate at that point. We reproduce and attempt to provide a stable environment and part of that is of course contributing to the growth and education of said little ones. We don’t desire to release careless and ignorant fools upon the world.

There are other sacrifices that we do not choose willingly, that is to say, that if they could have been avoided we may have chosen to do so. These sacrifices are no less necessary but still need to be done. I believe anyone with the proper compassion, fortitude, and honor would perform such a sacrifice without thinking.

We do not expect the home invader to swing by in the middle of a Wednesday night. At times like that, we can be grateful for the time spent training to be proficient with our weapons, running drills with the family, and building the strength of our body. Those activities are examples of other sacrifices that give us and our families an edge in life. They can save lives.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way and you may make the ultimate sacrifice. It is understood of those who are honorable individuals, that they would make this sacrifice time and time again.

This concept is worthy of a long ponderous think. Consider the virtues and the respect you hold for your lineage and family. Consider those who came before you and every sacrifice that was made to bring you to where you are. There is no more honorable way that one can leave this world than through sacrifice for a loved one and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

If there are halls beyond this world, you will be welcomed and honored within them.

Numb Not Unfamiliar Pain, Embrace The Lessons Learned

Being one of the higher stones and degrees of The Order this tenet won’t be elaborated upon as intensely. This concept is relatively self-explanatory but still warrants deep meditation and long ponderings to internalize and understand.

If a mental or physical pain is new or unfamiliar to you, you may simply be exercising a new portion of your mental faculties or even physical prowess. Perhaps a new skill or a new emotional ledge that you have stumbled off into a pit of despair and destruction. Regardless of the source of the pain, this is likely a very personal process.

This tenet is the reminder to not numb away the unfamiliar pain-points of your life. We’ve all over-indulged to deaden a hurt, new and old. You will find however that the longer pain is numbed and you delay focusing on the issue at hand, the longer you will suffer at the mercy of this potentially unrelenting force.

Many believe that they have “gotten over” their past depressions or traumatic episodes when they’ve only shoved it to a dark recess of their mind until it was forgotten. This isn’t learning or healing, this is simply the path of the uninitiated and of those lacking dedication. The pain must be understood and embraced.

It is true that the body drops itself into a state of shock when dealing with pain, mentally and/or physically. This can help but unfortunately for us, can also hinder the healing process. Depending on the abundance or lack of assistance from other humans around you, this could even lead to your ultimate demise.

Shock can cause a lack of attention to your immediate surroundings allowing more dangerous manifestations from a wide variety of sources. It is better, perhaps, to understand your threshold for mental and physical pain. When you come across a new level that you have yet to experience, embrace it, and understand the source. Quickly analyze via the earlier discussed OODA loop to understand the problem and identify the best way to fix the immediate problem; you can then make plans to prevent the given danger in the future (if possible).

If a given pain is not unfamiliar but instead one that you have experienced many times in the past, a much deeper self-reflection is likely called for to understand why this specific track has been put on repeat for you. Hit that skip button and find a better theme song for yourself.