Following The Path

To follow the path or journey of The VéRúnian Order, the first step is in identifying your position in relation to the core principles and tenets outlined within these pages and documents.

There is no intention to convert the random passerby of the world into a member of an order that said passerby does not feel drawn to. You were likely born, have grown, and journeyed to this exact point in time. There very well may be a reason that you are reading these exact words at this exact moment; if only to read through the principles and ideals and decide that you do not belong or that perhaps you are already on a path that branches greatly away from this portion of the tree.

First, at a minimum, read through the Introduction. Read through the bullet points of the tenets and virtues located on the 1st Stone, 2nd Stone, and 3rd Stone pages. As a final area of assessment, read through the Principles of Expanding Encompassment as that idea may take time to understand for a large portion of the world.

If you read through these pages and feel that this journey calls to you, then the next step is one that requires deeper self-reflection. Dedication is important. No one is asking you to tithe or fill a coffer. You are however being asked to focus on the core concepts being outlined throughout the stones and degrees. It requires a large commitment to make this decision to improve your life and thus the lives of those around you. This includes your loved ones, kinfolk, tribe, or however you define those closest to your heart.

If you decide that you are at that point in your life and wish to journey further, this is the path forward:

  1. Strive to internalize and apply all Stones and Degrees to your daily actions and your life as a whole.
  2. Whilst attempting to practice and internalize all tenets and principles, you will work through each piece starting with the 1st Stone and 1st Degree. Take time each week. Use this time to meditate upon the concepts of the current degree in which you find yourself immersed.
    • Acknowledge that this process takes time. This is the purpose of the hierarchical structure of the tenets being outlined in the order that they have been.
    • Keeping a log or journal of your progress is exceedingly beneficial.
    • Ask questions of yourself such as:
      1. “What does this tenet mean to me?”
      2. “How would I define this tenet or virtue in my own words?”
      3. “How can I apply this to my own life?”
      4. “If I have broken this principle or tenet in the past, how did that work out for myself and others? How can I prevent this in the future?”
  3. Understand that the process of applying and internalizing will take different amounts of time and become a different journey for each individual who undertakes the endeavor.
    • This is not a contest or competition, this is an effective plan for improvement of the self and the lives of those around us.